dinsdag 1 april 2014

lijstje: 20 zaken die wetenschappers over beleid moeten weten

Ik werd gewezen op een artikel van vorig jaar in Guardian van Chris Tyler met daarin een lijstje van 20 zaken die wetenschappers moeten weten over de beleidsmakers:
  1. making policy is really difficult
  2. no policy will ever be perfect
  3. policy makers can be expert too
  4. policy makers are not a homogeneous group
  5. policy makers are people too
  6. policy decisions are subject to extensive scrutiny
  7. starting policies from scratch is very rarely an option
  8. there is more to policy than scientific advice
  9. economics and law are top dogs in policy advise
  10. public opinion matters
  11. policy makers do understand uncertainty
  12. parliament and government are different
  13. policy and politics are not the same thing
  14. the UK has a brilliant sciency advisory system
  15. policy and science operate on different time scales
  16. there is no such thing as a policy cycle
  17. the art of making policy is a developing science
  18. science policy isn't a thing
  19. policy makers aren't interested in science per se
  20. "we need more science" is the wrong answer

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