"Since the old days of knowledge as a public good, a lengty process has been taking place. There is now a better understanding of the dynamics of knowledge accumulation, and appropriability conditions seems less relevant. Today demand and network externatlities play a much stronger role. Transactions in knowledge take place in markets characterised by knowledge transaction costs and governance mechanisms.
The better understanding of the generation of technological knowledge made possible by the localised approach, and the results of the new enquiry in the economics of knowledge draw attention to the economic characteristics of knowledge in terms of levels of fungiibility, complexity, stickiness and appropriability and its forms - tacit, articulated or codified. The analysis of the conditions for tradability is the ultimate result of these advances. Tradability, however, is a not a sufficient condition for dynamic efficiency in the marketplace.
When increasing returns matter, as in the case of technological externalities, and the price mechanism is unable to convey all the relevant information, the markets are unable to set the right incentives and hence move in the right direction.
Wat zoals in de telecom, reden kan zijn om het eigendoms recht en het gebruiksrecht te splitsen (een exploitant van een telefoonnetwerk mag je niet weigeren) en prijzen vooraf te reguleren.
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